A minimalist Amsterdam-inspired town builder with trams.


  • Draw - Click or drag left mouse button
  • Rotate camera - Drag right mouse button
  • Move camera - Drag middle mouse button
  • Zoom camera - Mouse wheel

Example world 4 shows patterns that result in bridges, fountains, and other structures.

Click "Copy/paste world code"  to get a code that'll let you share your build! You can also load other people's builds. (copy and paste don't seem to work in fullscreen so you may need to exit fullscreen first)

Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
(63 total ratings)
Made withUnity
TagsCreative, Mouse only, Trains


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Trams trams trams!!!





(1 edit)

Cool seed:


(1 edit)

Cool seed I think:



(1 edit)

Hi, do you think you could add a button to download this game to Windows? Would love to play offline 0x7e4x53e0x11e40232323232323232323221x9e22303030303030303032040x11e4021x17e2x13e1x17e2040x11e402x49e040x11e402x20e1x9e2x20e040x11e4021x17e32x11e31x17e2040x11e402x49e040x11e402x20e1x9e2x20e040x11e4021x17e2x13e1x17e2040x11e402303030303030303032x13e303030303030303032040x11e4x20e00020020020004x20e0x30e4000200200200040x24e4x24e040002002002000404x21e0040x22e4040002x7e0004040x19e40043x21e0404000222322200040402x18e400432x20e04040002x7e00040402x18e40042x21e04040002x7e00040402x18e4004220x5e232323232323220404000222322200040402x18e4004220x5e220x9e22204040002x7e00040402x18e40042203030230x9e3220404000202020200040402x18e4004220x5e220032332302220404000202020200040402x18e4004220303023002x6e03220404002x9e0040402x18e4004220x5e22002x6e02220404002222322220040402x18e40042203030230032332303220404x15e0402x18e4004220x5e22002x6e022204000042x8e0000402x18e4004220303023002x6e03220400002x9e0000402x18e4004220x5e2200444323022204x7e232324x7e2x19e4004220303023004442x14e42x5e42x25e4004220x5e2200444323022204x7e232324x7e2x19e4004220303023004x6e03220400002x9e0000402x18e4004220x5e22004x6e02220400002x9e0000402x18e4004220303023004x6e03220404x15e0402x18e4004220x5e22004x6e02220404002222322220040402x18e4004220303023004x6e03220404002x9e0040402x18e4004220x5e220x9e2220404000202020200040402x18e4004220x5e232323232323220404000202020200040402x18e40042x21e04040002x7e00040402x18e400432x20e0404000222322200040402x18e40043x21e04040002x7e00040402x18e40040x22e4040002x7e0004040x19e4004x24e040002223222000404x21e0x27e40002x7e00040x42e4x8e00020x5e20004x8e0x35e40x10e20x5e20x10e40x35e402223222232x7e322223222040x35e403122212x5e0002x5e122213040x35e4021222122120x5e2122122212040x35e403123212212x7e122123213040x35e402122212212231322122122212040x35e403122212212221222122122213040x35e402123212212211122122123212040x35e403122212212231322122122213040x35e402122212212x7e122122212040x35e403123212212200022122123213040x35e40212x9e0002x9e12040x35e4032x10e0002x10e3040x35e402223223223223223223223222040x35e4x23e04x5e0x400eF

Awesome! Had so much fun and loved the design! 0x855e4x29e0x35e40032x8e32220040x7e2240x35e40022200002x6e00401112x5e40x35e40032200002232x5e42x5e002240x35e40022200002x6e00403223002240x35e4002x13e00403223002240x35e4002x15e42x5e002240x35e4001x13e00401112x5e40x35e40x17e40x7e2240x35e4x29e0x35e4040x7e40x7e40x9e40x29e4x7e040x7e40x7e40x8e340x29e4443214040x7e40x6e34x11e0x29e4442214040x7e40x7e41x9e40x29e4442214040012223432x6e42x8e140x29e444321404001222040222112421221122140x29e444221404001222242222112421221122140x29e444221404001222040222112421221122140x29e444321404001222040222112421221122140x29e444221404001222242222112421221122140x29e444221404001222040222112421221122140x29e444321404001222040222112421221122140x29e444221404001222242222112421221122140x29e444221404001222040222112421221122140x29e444321404001222040222112421221122140x29e432221404001222242222112421221122140x29e422221404001222040222112421221122140x29e4220214040012223432x6e42x8e140x29e4320214040x7e40x5e2041x9e40x29e4220214040x7e40x5e234x11e0x29e4220214040x7e40x5e2040x8e340x29e4320214040x7e40x5e2040x9e40x29e422021404x27e0x29e4220214440x13e204040x7e40x29e4320214040x13e204040x7e4x6e0x24e4220214040x13e204040x12e40x24e42202140401x9e000204040x12e40x24e432021404012x7e1000204040x12e40x24e4220214040123222321000204040x12e40x24e4222214040122000221000204040x12e40x24e432221424222200022100020404x14e0x24e4x9e222200022100222444223223223223421x6e0x17e2x10e023222321002x25e10x17e2x10e02x7e1002x21e002210x17e32232232x11e1001x18e223003210x34e20002x21e002210x34e20002x25e10x31e32x8e3223223223223223221x6e0x31e20020x60e20020x60e32230x29eF





(3 edits) (+7)

Why Tramster-tram

and not


Would love to play around with it, but whenever I click on any ui element it cycles the currently selected mode up until it's on buildings and that's the only thing I can place from that point on :(

So cute! Great wave-function collapse demo.

I so badly want you to add keybinds for some actions though.

Ctrl/Cmd-Z: Undo Left Click: Paint Right Click: Erase 1, 2, 3, 4: Select House, Street, Train, Tree



my world

(2 edits) (+3)(-1)

Not generally a city builder fan, but this was pretty fun!




anyone know what's going on? i had this problem with a few other games as well :/

I am getting the same error, but only for this game :( shame, I adore playing it in my browser.

just wonderling how to move the camara if you haven't got a 'mousepad'.  Like one of the PC ones.


right and middle click


What a cool little sandbox! It's like a sibling of our little game Jamsterdam :)

pretty nice game, but I'd love more building options


Super nicely done!

Adorable game, having fun playing in browser, but when i try to paly from the itch launcher, i get an error

"Unable to parse Build/webgl.framework.js.br! This can happen if build compression was enabled but web server hosting the content was misconfigured to not serve the file with HTTP Response Header "Content-Encoding: br" present. Check browser Console and Devtools Network tab to debug."

Very cute! Great


Cute! Fun game. Check out my symmetrical horror vacui city:


(1 edit)

Nice symmetry, I went down a similar road (or tramline)


nice Wave Function Collapse ! Good job


Definetly one of the cutest games i have ever played! Maybe build a litle more on the concept and release it standalone? Please?

I second that. This game is very pleasing even if the options and possiblities are limited gameplaywise. It's one of these little games that have that very special note you don't find too often. Would be a shame to keep it browser based. I too would love to have it as a standalone to download. I'd also gladly pay for it.

Love it and can't wait to see it developed further. I see SO much potential. Once I discovered I could make the trams figure-8 around houses, I was 100% hooked.

I love this! it's so cute and easy to understand and play with, and i love trams <3

a slightly annoying thing is that there's little ability to decide where the tracks go for 'roundabout' situations, as the tracks choose random sides and there's no 'T-junction' (i don't know if that's the correct word) for the tracks. but it's such a small thing so i don't mind overall.

Thank you for making this game! I'm going to spend many many many hours on this 0.0


This is so cute and quaint! Please take my money so I can play this on Steam!