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Clean and lovely aesthetic! Getting some slight Carcassonne vibes, making sure tiles have matching edges.

(1 edit)

I really love this game. 

I really want to drive a motocross bike here. If you are making it into a "big game" my suggestion is to make a really big map with little puzzles so you can look at their progress

Really loved this game

That's a great puzzle game!

Addicting, I LOVE ITT

Spectacular! Recommend playing in Firefox and not Chrome.


Love the design and how pretty this is with such simple elements

that was really satisfying to play :D

This is such a nice time! Can definitely feel the "just one more turn" sinking in the more I play.

this was fun to pla

After figuring out how the mechanic works, it's a pretty nice to play, especially since the difficulty is "just not too simple". Very nice tiles too!

This is super cool!  I love the art and the puzzles are really fun to play with.  Awesome work!

As a puzzle, "arrange 9 tiles in a grid" hits some limits pretty quickly.  But, the design is amazing: the use of depth to get ridges and waterfalls and hills, the directional flow of rivers to a lake, the bridges that help interlock the rivers with the roads...

Even after saying "sure, nine tiles, I get it," I kept looking back and wanting to know how the next set fit together.  I can see this as the basis for something much larger, if you wanted it to be.  (4x4 grids! People and boats!  A plot!) 


Fun! At first glance this feels like a standard shuffler puzzle, but parity ensures that each tile only has one orientation for every position on the grid, which makes this a lot easier (and more fun) for me to fiddle with.